Animal welfare


How you can help us

Just call at (+30) 690 740 8658 to make a donation

Save Life, Save the Planet

No Donation is too small !

Our small team needs money every day. Our expenses start with small things like food for the strays in our care and deworming them as well as any minor treatment that may be needed.

Among the biggest expenses, we have the sterilization of strays, the regular visits to the vet for vaccines, chips, sterilizations as well as the emergency visits for emergencies that usually involve injured animals.

The veterinary clinic is our second home and we are proud of our action. If you want to help us continue, this is the way.

All our income comes from private donations and donations from organizations from abroad. Without them, we could not be where we are today. No donation is too small!

You can use our form for a secure payment or you can make a bank transfer directly to our account


IBAN: GR8101403100310002330003819


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Adopted pets